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Journal : Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 5 No 1 (2016): June 2016
Publisher : Unnes Journal c.q. Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kemampuan aljabar diartikan sebagai kemampuan untuk merepresentasikan situasi kuantitatif sehingga hubungan antar variabel menjadi jelas. Kemampuan aljabar menjadi modal untuk memperoleh performa matematika yang baik karena aljabar merupakan bagian penting dalam matematika. Model pembelajaran TAI digunakan sebagai alat untuk meningkatkan pencapaian kemampuan aljabar yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menguji keefektifan pembelajaran TAI terhadap kemampuan aljabar siswa, dan (2) mengetahui kemampuan aljabar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixed methods dengan desain sequential explanatory dimana penelitian dilakukan dengan dua tahap yaitu penelitian kuantitatif dengan menguji efektifitas pembelajaran TAI dengan pendekatan Saintifik dan dilanjutkan dengan analisis kemampuan aljabar siswa. Sampel penelitian kuantitatif adalah siswa kelas XI MIA 5 sebagai kelas ekserimen dan XI MIA 2 sebagai kelas kontrol di MAN 2 Kudus sementara pada penelitian kualitatif, subjek penelitian diambil dari tiga siswa yang dipilih dari kelas eksperimen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran TAI dengan pendekatan Saintifik efektif terhadap kemampuan aljabar siswa. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid, siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran TAI dengan pendekatan Saintifik mencapai ketuntasan klasikal yang ditentukan yaitu lebih dari atau sama dengan 75% siswa mencapai KKM, kemampuan aljabar siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran TAI dengan pendekatan Saintifik lebih baik dari kemampuan aljabar siswa yang diajar dengan model pembelajaran ekspositori.
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 5 No 2 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Unnes Journal c.q. Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Pemecahan masalah penting dalam matematika dan membutuhkan self-regulation. Goal orientation mempengaruhi self-regulation dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah. Mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diterapkan 7E-learning cycle untuk mengoptimalkan cara belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji keefektifan 7E-learning cycle serta mendeskripsikan self-regulation dan pemecahan masalah matematika berdasarkan goal orientation sebelum dan setalah implementasi 7E-learning cycle. Desain penelitian ini adalah mix method. Subjek penelitian peserta didik kelas XI MA Nurul Ulum Jekulo Kudus yang dikelompokan berdasarkan goal orientation yaitu mastery goal dan performance goal. Variabel bebas penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah kemampuan pemecahan masalah dan self-regulation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah melalui 7E-learning cycle mencapai ketuntasan secara individual dan klasikal,  self-regulation dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada 7E-learning cycle lebih baik daripada pembelajaran model ekspositori, serta regulation dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah setelah implementasi 7E-learning cycle lebih baik sebelum implementasi 7E-learning cycle. Berdasarkan analisis kualitatif, self-regulation setalah implementasi 7E-learning cycle kelompok mastery goal lebih baik dibandingkan kelompok performance goal. Setelah pembelajaran dengan 7E-learning cycle peserta didik kelompok mastery goal dapat memahami masalah dengan tepat dan merencanakan strategi pemecahan masalah lebih sistematis.
Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematika dalam Problem Based Learning dengan Strategi Scaffolding Ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient Ismawati, Anik; Mulyono, Mulyono; Hindarto, Nathan
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 6 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Unnes Journal c.q. Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika peserta didik SMA Negeri 1 Pecangaan masih rendah. Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan strategi scaffolding digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas pembelajaran PBL dengan strategi scaffolding dalam meningkatkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika dan menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika ditinjau dari Adversity Quotient (AQ) peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kombinasi kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan desain concurrent embedded. Sampel penelitian kuantitatif adalah peserta didik kelas XI MIA4 (kelompok eksperimen) dan XI MIA5 (kelompok kontrol) sementara pada penelitian kualitatif, subjek penelitian diambil dari enam peserta didik yang dipilih dari kelompok eksperimen. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran PBL dengan strategi scaffolding sedangkan variabel terikat kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan tes, angket dan wawancara. Data diolah menggunakan uji t dan gain yang ternormalisasi. Hasil yang dicapai menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika mencapai ketuntasan dengan rata-rata 77,726 mengalami peningkatan tinggi dengan gain 0,732 dan peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika pada kelompok eksperimen lebih baik dari kelompok kontrol. Peserta didik yang memiliki AQ kategori climber mempunyai kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika tergolong baik, sedangkan peserta didik yang memiliki AQ kategori camper mempunyai kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika tergolong cukup baik.
Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Ditinjau dari Karakter Kolaborasi dalam Pembelajaran Project Based Learning (Pjbl) Kumalaretna, Wahyu Ning Dewi; Mulyono, Mulyono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 6 No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi permasalahan masih rendahnya kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan karakter kolaborasi siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan pembelajaran model PjBL dalam pembelajaran materi statistika, mendeskripsikan karakteristik kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa dalam pembelajaran dengan PjBL dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa ditinjau dari karakter kolaborasi dalam pembelajaran model PjBL. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah mixed method dengan desain concurrent embedded yaitu menggabungkan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif secara tidak berimbang. Tehnik pengambilan data menggunakan observasi, angket, tes dan dokumentasi. Tehnik analisis data menggunakan uji ketuntasan dan uji peningkatan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa pembelajaran matematika dengan PjBL diperoleh ketuntasan klasikal melampaui 70%, ketuntasan rata-rata kelas pada pembelajaran PjBL dengan karakter kolaborasi diperoleh dari rata-rata tes kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa dengan rata-rata 73,80 lebih dari KKM 67 dan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 83,33% telah melampaui 70%; dari uji gain terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis dapat diketahui bahwa 27,78 % siswa dalam kategori rendah, 61,11% siswa dalam kategori sedang dan 11,11 % siswa dalam kategori tinggi; terdapat peningkatan karakter kolaborasi dengan uji gain didapatkan peningkatan sebesar 0,49. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran PjBL dengan karakter kolaborasi terhadap kemampuan komunikasi matematis efektif ditunjukkan dengan tercapainya ketuntasan klasikal dan individual serta terjadinya peningkatan. Karakteristik kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa berkemampuan tinggi pada seluruh aspek dalam kategori sangat baik. Pada siswa berkemampuan sedang kategori sangat baik namun dalam aspek keputusan matematis, pertimbangan matematis mendapatkan kategori baik. Pada siswa berkemampuan rendah pada aspek pemikiran matematis, dan keputusan matematis kategori cukup. Saran bagi peneliti lain yang akan melakukan penelitian sejenis untuk memperhatikan aspek-aspek lain yang mempengaruhi peningkatan kemampuan komunikasi matematis dan karakter kolaborasi. This research is motivated by the lack of mathematical communication ability and student collaboration character. The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of learning PjBL model in the learning of statistical materials, describe the characteristics of students mathematical communication skills in learning with PjBL and describe students mathematical communication skills in term of collaboration character in learning model PjBL. This method in this research is mixed method with concurrent embedded design that is combining quantitative and qualitative method unbalanced. Data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires, tests and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the completeness test and improvement test. Based on the research, it is found that the learning of mathematics with PjBL is obtained in excess of 70%, the average of the class on the learning of PjBL with the character of the collaboration is obtained from the average of students mathematical communication ability with the average of 73,80 more than KKM 67 and thr classical is 83,33% has exceeded 70% of gain test on mathematical communication ability to know that 27,78% students in low category, 61,11 % student in medium category and 11,11 % student in high category, there is improvement of character of collaboration with gain test an increase of 0,49. It is concluded that the application of PjBL learning with the character of collaboration on the ability of effective mathematical communication is indicated by the achievement of classical and individual completeness as well as an increase. Characteristic of mathematical communication ability of high ability student on all aspects of the category is very good. In students who are moderately good category but in aspect of mathematical decision, mathematical get good category. In low ability students on aspects of mathematical thinking and mathematical decision categories enough. Sugesstions for other researchers who want to do similar research to pay attention to aspects of other aspects that affect the improvement of mathematical communication skills and collaboration character.
Mathematical Literacy Skills Reviewed From Mathematical Resilience in The Learning of Discovery Learning Assisted by Schoology Afriyanti, Ice; Mulyono, Mulyono; Sri Noor Asih, Tri
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 7 No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study has purpose to describe the quality of learning of Discovery Learning assisted by Schoology toward the mathematical literacy skills of students of grade X SMA Negeri 1 Blora and found the patterns of mathematical literacy skills that were analyzed based on the students' mathematical resilience. This study applied mixed method type of research with embedded concurrent embedded design. The subjects of this study were the students of grade X SMA Negeri 1 Blora. The result showed that. (1) the learning of Discovery Learning assisted with Schoology toward the mathematical literacy of students is considered good qualified. (2) found the patterns mathematical literacy skills such that (1) students with high mathematical resilience were able to master the five aspects of literacy skills, and master the two other aspects very well, (2) students with moderate mathematical resilience were able to master three aspects very well, and can master the four other aspects well, (3) students with low mathematical resilience, two aspects of literacy skills can be mastered well, average on one aspect of the literacy skills, and less well in mastering the other four aspects of literacy skills.
Difficulty Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving in Accordance with Student Dependent Fields Based on Marzano Taxonomy for Grade VIII Students Prasetya, Yulian Rakhel; Mulyono, Mulyono; Rochmad, Rochmad
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Cognitive style is an individual characteristic in using cognitive function (solving problems). One of the widely studied cognitive styles are field dependent cognitive style and field independent cognitive style. Nowadays problem solving abilities are important to our life. Student difficulties in solving problems is very various. Students low abilities can be seen from how many students make the mistakes in solving the problems. Marzano Taxonomy is developed to break the limitation of Bloom Taxonomy. Marzano Taxonomy cognitive level can be divided into four components retrieval, comprehension, analysis, and utilization. The purpose of this observation is analyse the mathematics problem solving according to level cognitive Marzano Taxonomy viewed from students field dependent cognitive style and students field independent cognitive style.This observation was conducted with qualitative method. Population of this observation is 7th grade students from Junior High School 1 Donorojo Jepara District. The observation sampling technique is cluster random sampling which is random sampling. Based on the results of the research and discussion above, it was found tha t:1)the difficulties experienced by students with the Field Dependent cognitive style in solving mathematical problems based planning. 2).Students with the Field Dependent cognitive style lack the courage to solution. This observation was conducted with qualitative method. Population of this observation is 7th grade students from Junior High School 1 Donorojo Jepara District. The observation sampling technique is cluster random sampling which is random sampling. Based on the results of the research and discussion above, it was found tha t:1)the difficulties experienced by students with the Field Dependent cognitive style in solving mathematical problems based planning. 2). students with the Field Dependent cognitive style lack the courage to solution.3). )the difficulties experienced by students with the Field Independent cognitive style in solving mathematical problems based.4). students with the Field Independent cognitive style don’t have the courage to solution.
Mathematical Literacy Ability Reviewed from Cognitive Style of Students on Double Loop Problem Solving Model with RME Approach Fajriyah, Euis; Mulyono, Mulyono; Asikin, M.
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Mathematical literacy ability and students cognitive styles play important role in mathematics learning. The purpose of this study was to know the quality of learning and mathematical literacy ability reviewed from the students' cognitive style in learning by using Double Loop Problem Solving model with the RME approach. This study conducted on VIII grade students of SMP Negeri 40 Semarang in the academic year of 2017/ 2018. This study applied a mixed method with concurrent embedded designs. The results of the study showed that learning by using Double Loop Problem Solving model with RME approach on students' mathematics literacy abilities is good qualified. Students with reflective cognitive style were able to master communication, mathematizing, reasoning and argumentation, and devising strategies for solving problems very well, the components of representation, using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation, and using mathematics tools were quite well mastered. Students with impulsive cognitive style were able to master communication very well, the components of mathematizing, reasoning and argumentation, representation, devising strategies for solving problems, using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation, were quite well mastered, and the component of using mathematical tools, have not been able to be mastered. Students with fast accurate cognitive style were able to master communication, mathematizing, representation, devising strategies for solving problems, using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation, and using mathematics tools very well, the component of reasoning and argumentation were quite well mastered. Students with slow-inaccurate cognitive style were quite well to master communication, mathematizing, reasoning and argumentation, devising strategies for solving problems, and using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation, the components of representation and using mathematics tools have not been able to be mastered.
Mathematical Literacy Ability and Mathematical Disposition on Team Assisted Individualization Learning with RME Approach and Recitation Lestari, Septi Dini; Kartono, Kartono; Mulyono, Mulyono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 8 No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This study aims to (1) determine the quality of Team Assisted Individualization learning with RME approach recitation on students' mathematical literacy abilities; and (2) describe the mathematical literacy abilities viewed from students' mathematical dispositions. This study applied a mixed method research type with concurrent embedded designs. Subjects in this study were determined based on the score of the mathematical disposition questionnaire of students in grade VIIB SMP N 40 Semarang in the academic year of 2017/ 2018. The data collection techniques were observation, tests and interviews. The results of the study showed that (1) Team Assisted Individualization learning with RME approach recitation has good quality; (2) students with high mathematical dispositions master the components of communication, mathematising, reasoning & argument, and devising strategies very well, the components of using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation were well mastered, and the other two components are quite well mastered. Students with medium mathematical dispositions mastering well the components of communicaton, mathematising, and devising strategies for solving problems, the components of reasoning and argumentation and using symbolic, formal, and technical language and operation were mastered quite well but they have not been able to master the other two components. Students with low mathematical dispositions can only mastered three components quite well, they are communication, mathematising, and mathematics tools, while the other four have not been able to be mastered
Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Viewed from Extrovert Introvert Personality Types on Cooperative Learning Models Type Rally Coach Sari, Dian Kartika; Mulyono, Mulyono; Sri Noor Asih, Tri
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 8 No 2 (2019): December 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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This research aims were (1) to know the quality of cooperative learning models type Rally Coach, (2) to describe students’ mathematical problem solving ability based on introvert personality type, and (3) to describe students’ mathematical problem solving ability based on extrovert personality. This study was a mixed method research with using sequential explanatory design. The population was 8th grade students of SMP N 1 Sumbang academic year 2017/2018. The subjects was selected based on extrovert personality type and introvert personality type. Data was collecting by questionnaire, observation, test, and interview. The result showed that (1) Cooperative learning models type Rally Coach was on good category (2) student with type personality introvert resolve the problem solving able to understand a problem well, plan problem solving well, carry out the problem will according to plan, and looking back for the against answer (3) student with type personality extrovert resolve the problem solving able to understand a problem well, plan problem solving well, in carry out a plan student cannot sit in an implement well that will not find correct answer, student cannot check their answer.
An Analysis Of Thinking Process In Solving Mathematical Problems Looking From The Personality Type In Blended Learning Setiyaningrum, Desi; Kartono, Kartono; Mulyono, Mulyono
Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education Research Vol 9 No 1 (2020): June 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of mathematical solving problems in a Blended Learning environment and to describe the students’ thinking process of mathematical problem solving is looked from the personality type. This research is a mixed methods research with concurrent triangulation design. The results showed that : (1) Learning is implemented effectively with the fulfillment of criteria testing for the achievement of the Minimum Completion Criteria and classical completeness; (2) A student with ESTJ (Extrovert Sensing Thinking Judging) and INTJ (Introvert Intuition Thinking Judging) personality types tend to use the thinking process of forming understanding and opinions with the right and consistent and forming conclusions with precise but inconsistent. The types of ESTP (Extrovert Sensing Thinking Perceiving), ESFJ (Extrovert Sensing Feeling Judging) and ESFP (Extrovert Sensing Feeling Perceiving) tend to use the thinking process of forming understanding, opinions, and conclusions with the right and consistent results. ENFJ (Extrovert Intuition Feeling Judging) types tend to use the thinking process of forming understanding, opinions, and conclusions with precise but inconsistent results. ISTJ (Introvert Sensing Thinking Judging) types tend to use the thinking process of forming understanding and opinions with the right and consistent but have not used the thinking process of forming conclusions correctly. The personality types ISTP (Introvert Sensing Thinking Perceiving) and ISFJ (Introvert Sensing Feeling Judging) tend to use the thinking process of forming an understanding with the right and consistent, forming opinions with the right but have not used the thinking process of forming conclusions correctly.
Co-Authors A.S, Yandi Abdul Hakim, Nailul Fuad Ade Bagus Primadoni Adhie Nur Radityo Adi Nur Cahyono Adiba, Azka Fikral Afif Budiyono, Afif Afit Istiandaru, Afit Afriyanti, Ice Agung Astuti Agung Ramadan, Yoshida Agus Yulianto Agustina, Ika Rizki Ainurrizqiyah, Zulfa Al Ashari, Shoib Rizal Aliefta, Dhea Rizka Noor Aliefta, Dhea Rizka Noor Alyasa, Moh. Fani Amidi Amidi, Amidi Amin Suyitno Anang Tri Prasetyawan Andi Setiawan Anggraeni, Meliana Deta Anita Rahmawati Ardias, Afriza Yuan Ardias, Afriza Yuan Arie Anang Setyo Arief Agoestanto Arum Pratiwi Ary Woro Kurniasih Asih, Tri Sri Noor Asikin, Mohammd Astuti, Sri Ady Aziza, Firdha Bambang Eko Susilo Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono Basuki Rachmad Basuki, Noor Van Ardi Basuki, Noor Van Ardi Bayujaga, Dian Bono Bono Chandra, Stepanus Ardyan Chyana, Athika Sidhi Dadang Kurnia, Dadang Damaryanti, Desi Dwi Desi Setiyadi Dian Kartika Sari, Dian Kartika Dian Kurnianingrum, Dian Dominikus H Akhadi, Dominikus H Dwiana Hendrawati Dwijanto Dwijanto, Dwijanto Edy Soedjoko Eka Fitri Syahputraaji, Eka Fitri Eko Andy Purnomo Eko Hanudin Elhas, Rivan Ma’rivan Endang Sugiharti, Endang Erika Erika Erni Suharini Fadloli, Fadloli Fajar Wahyono Fajriyah, Euis Fariz, Regilsa Firmansyah, Dian Teguh Gatot Suwoto Genesiska, Genesiska Gumilang, Bram Iskumara Gunawan Budiyanto Hairunisah, Hairunisah Hajimi, Hajimi Hana Catur Wahyuni Hanies Ambarsari Hardi Suyitno Hardyanto Hardyanto Hari Setijono, Hari Harsono Harsono Hartanto, Jimmy Hendra Yulianto Hermawan, Baktiyar Mei Hery Sutarto Huda, Muhamad Nurul Imam Baehaqie Irdana Prastiwi Ismawati, Anik Isnaini Rosyida, Isnaini Isnarto, Isnarto Isti Hidayah Istiqomah, Fiatun ISTNA MANGISAH Julia Julia Kartono - Khoirunnisa, Karima Kristina Wijayanti Kumalaretna, Wahyu Ning Dewi Kurnia, Yusthesia Esta Kurniawan, Arfiadi Kurniawati, Fita Kuter Kaswaningrum Sri Kayatun Laksono Trisnantoro Lestari, Dewi Indah Lestari, Septi Dini Lis Noer Aini, Lis Noer Lutfi, Febri Ahmad Lutfi, Febri Ahmad M. Asikin, M. Mahendra, Novira Rahmadian Malik, Ibnu Malik, Ibnu Martyana Prihaswati Mashuri Mashuri Masrukan Masrukan Mauludya, Fenta Mauludya, Fenta Maysaroh, Wiwit Mohammad Asikin Mufid, M. Abdul Muh Doyin Muhammad Kharis Muhammad Zuhair Zahid, Muhammad Zuhair Mukeriyanto, Mukeriyanto Murniati, Siti Muttaqien, Muhammad Akbar Natalia Natalia Nathan Hindarto Ningrum, Herlina Ulfa Noor, Naili Luma’ati Novita Dewi Vebriyana Dankis, Novita Dewi Vebriyana Nugraeni, Rosita Ayu Nugraha, Sarwito Agung Nugroho, Hartomo Adhi Nurdini, Eka Nurhayati, Khomsatun Dwi Nurkaromah Dwidayati, Nurkaromah Perdana, Dean Perdana, Dean Pitaloka, Yuninan Dyah Prasetiyo, Agustaf Prasetya, Yulian Rakhel Pratama, Rizky Sandy Prihandoko, Danang Pujiani, Pujiani puslit, Rukmi Hidayati Puspasari, Dessi Rahmawati Qiwarunnisa, Qiwarunnisa Qiwarunnisa, Qiwarunnisa Qomariyah, U’um R, Rizky Amelia Rahayu, Diana Urip Rahma Wati, Meca Indah Rahmania Pamungkas, Rahmania Ramadhani, Athirah Nur Ratri Ratnasari, Dwi Indah Rochmad - Rochmah Agustrina Rohman, Muhamad Gani Rosayanti, Salma Mauludyah Rostika Dianti Rosyida, Meis Dania Nila Rupiah, Siti S B Waluya Safarudin, Yanuar Mahfud Sahid Sahid Saputri, Wiria Sari, Niken Ramandha Wulan Satrio Ardiansyah, Adi Scolastika Mariani Setiyaningrum, Desi Setya Rahayu Setyarini, Aprilia Setyawan, Fiyoni Dwi Sholikati, Sholikati Sri Murwanti Sucahyo, Eko Sugiman Sugiman Sugiono Sugiono Sugiyanto, Emilia Puspitasari Sukestiyarno Sukestiyarno Sumardi . Sumarjoko, Tri Sumartini Sumartini Suprapto, Adi Teguh Supriyani, Dwi Supriyani, Dwi Suwarti Suwarti Taufik Anwar Totok Prasetyo Trisnawati, Nika Fetria Tyas, Marita Ayuning Udayani, Julia Elisa Uji, La Toni Ulya, Rif’ah Utomo, Fajar Prasetyo Utomo, Tri Duto Vita Istihapsari, Vita Walid Walid, Walid Wardono Wardono Widiyanto Widiyanto Yusanta, Dita Anggrahinita Yusuf Dewantoro Herlambang Zaenudin Zaenudin Zaenuri Mastur Zahra, Sabrina Aulia Zustiyantoro, Dhoni